hello :)
Happy to see you here!
Some facts about me: My name is Lena Nalchigar. I am 25 years old, born and raised in Gothenburg, Sweden. 
I hold an Associate of Art's Degree in Graphic Design & Photography from Santa Barbara City College. Additionally, I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies and Multimedia Arts from Hawai'i Pacific University. If you're curious about my areas of expertise, I love Graphic Design, Branding & Typography!
Whether it be painting, drawing, or designing, creative forces has been something I have always been particularly drawn to. I love experimenting with bold fonts, bold colors, geometry and texture. Ideally all of them together. The best part of being a designer is that I get to do just that, design, create, let my brain flow and be free. In everyday life there are so many restrictions, in design and art we learn that there are none.