My name is Lena Nalchigar, I am 25 years old and I graduated from Santa Barbara City College in 2020 with an Associate of Arts in Graphic Design and Photography. I am currently pursuing my BA in Communication Studies with a minor in Multimedia Arts.
 I was previously employed at a Social Media Marketing Agency as well as part time as a Design Assistant for a company that manufactures home accessories. My areas of expertise are Graphic Design, Branding & Typography
Whether it be painting, drawing, or designing, creative forces has been something I have always been particularly drawn to. My favorite time to create is nighttime because that is when I feel free and relaxed. I love experimenting with bold fonts, bold colors, geometry, and texture. Ideally all of them together. The best part of being a designer is that I get to do just that, design, create, let my brain flow and be free. In everyday life there are so many restrictions, in design and art we learn that there are none.
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